Fake Bowling in Garage, Women Pretending To Be Scared
I had this funny dream this morning. A writer invited hundreds of women to go fake bowling in his garage. He invited me, too. The game was very complicated, with pizza boxes and no room for bowling lanes because the garage was so packed. Nobody understood what the hell was going on. Somehow he convinced the women to strip to their underwear. He opened the huge garage door and persuaded the women that to end the game they had to run out of the garage screaming into the neighborhood. They all did, and the guy stood watching them laughing. I tried to understand in the dream what he was trying to accomplish, and just couldn’t fathom what it was.
And I semi-woke up thinking maybe he was trying to convince his neighborhood that he was a lady’s man who scared ladies, and how that only canceled itself out. And it hurt my head.
Dream Over